
Wordless Wednesday 4/13/2011


Light and Voices said…
Nice crisp, clear shot of an eagle. You sure live in animal paradise as I scrolled down a bit to see what else was happening on your blog. See you next week.
Joyce M
Kit Aerie-el said…
What a beautiful shot of a magnificent bird.
gtyyup said…
Clear and crisp...great shot!
Ms. Latina said…
So regal! I love it! Happy WW :)
Great capture! Was that out in nature? Or at a wildlife sanctuary? Maybe it was both.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and there are so many people most wildlife is at the zoo. Well, animal wildlife that is :~)

Anyhow, I found your blog through Wordless Wednesday and I love it! I was born in Anchorage, Alaska but haven't been back since I was 10. I hope to return soon.
Banan Appealing said…
Wow, this is amazing! Is it your pet? ;-)
Meggie said…
Handsome creature!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful perspective, Dave.
Dave Dorsey said…
L&V - That's true and now that spring is here it should get more lively.

Casandra - This guy is wild. He's sitting on top of a telephone pole.

Banana - No pet, but he does visit often.

Thanks everyone!
Sarah said…
Amazing, as usual. I look for you on my hop every week, thank you for always linking up, it reminds me to come check out your fabulous photos!

I am stopping by from the I ♥ Blogging hop, thank you for joining our hop!
tracerscouponaffair said…
I live in Fairbanks and im soo envious of you living down there lol.I havent seen an Eagle here yet (we been here 2 years) but this picture is beautiful!