
Wordless Wednesday 1/11/2012

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catsynth said…
Wow, that does look very cold and snowy. It reminds me not to complain too much about our "cold" days here.
I feel sorry for that truck, but the trees and the sky are beautiful. I like the light in the background of the picture.
momto8 said…
not too cold here! I love your photos..I learn something new everyday! I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can...from warm central Pa!
Robin said…
Brrr... I'm so glad I don't live where it snows anymore! It's beautiful to see coming down, but way too cold afterwards.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!
caite said…
I would not mind having a bit of that snow..a bit.
Nadege, said…
A beautiful shot...I would put up with the cold and snow if I could get to visit Alaska.
Beth F said…
I wish we would get snow the way we used to (showing my age). Poor truck. I love your new winter header.
DrillerAA said…
I like winter, but that's a little more winter than I like.
Chrystal Oates said…
BEAUTIFUL photo. I love all the snow.

Great blog, I am your newest follower.

If you want to check out my blog and follow me back I am at:

Unknown said…
That's a lot of snow! I heard parts of Alaska got hit hard. The trees and the sky do look beautiful though. :)

Thank you for linking up with Wild & Wonderful Wednesday!
Unknown said…
Beautiful! I LOVE the light in the background. What a lovely and soft photo. Makes me wish for snow! Thank you for sharing!
Woa!I love everything to do with snow.Want to experience it one day! :) Everything snow white and cold and at the same time warm and cozy :)