How do you discount the cost of freedom?

Sometimes when I have something on my mind that's irritating me, I go for a drive and stay away from others. I try to calm myself and try to think of what I can do at my level to comment or change things. Sitting back and enjoying a gorgeous view of the Chugach Mountain Range always helps.
Sometimes you feel like an old relic. You've been put out to pasture and forgotten about. Nothing can protect you from those who don't think there's a need for your services or of those that have taken your place. Or that the financial price is too high for what they feel they get in return.

And then I feel like I'm being watched or am I being watched over?

It was +1° when I went to Ft. Richardson National Cemetery to visit with my brothers and sisters that have passed on. Some died in the line of duty, some after they left their service and some retired, lived out their lives and then rest here. Most I don't know, but we all had the same duty.
The new budget, which boosts spending in the short term in exchange for longer-term fee hikes and spending cuts, includes a provision that would reduce the cost-of-living adjustment for military retirees to 1 percent less than the rate of consumer inflation — and even reduces payments for veterans who were wounded in action.
Veterans served you, now support the veteran. Ask your state senator to support Senator Wicker’s amendment to restore full retirement pay for current and future military retirees .
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