
Frozen Catninetails

Even though everyone here thinks spring is on its way, there's still plenty of snow and ice around.
Even frozen catninetails.


Anonymous said…
Its foggy here today in the UK but we definitely have a sense of Spring now. No snow here all winter either, so I loved your picture. Hope all is well. CT :-)
Arija said…
I suppose you would like it to go away. Our super hot summer is refusing to go away although we ar in our second month of autumn. Heat always makes me dream of snow . . .
Fun60 said…
Although very picturesque you must be getting really fed up of the snow and ice by now.
stevebethere said…
Lovely photo I bet you can't wait till Summer :-)
Even though it makes a beautiful composition, I am sure you are about ready for some green to come you way. - Margy
Bernie said…
Haha - Autumn/Fall here in Sydney now, so starting to cool down...

Great pic!!

Mine is up as well, so come and say hi...
Not much Spring yet in NYC either and I wish Mother Nature would let up with the snow already!!!!

Swinging by from the WW linky hop to say hi!

My WW post this week is: My local Supermarket offers Betty Cracker Hamburger Helper Does Yours? {#Photo} {#Humor} -

Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly
Beth F said…
We still have pockets of snow, too. Lovely shot.
betty-NZ said…
I must say that this awfully cold winder has produced some great photos and yours is awesome, too.