
Getting over a blog funk

Wow, I haven't posted on my blog this year. It's not that I haven't started to. I was talking with a friend yesterday and she asked what was up. I said I was in a blog post funk. I was coming up with ideas and photos, but when I go to post them I decide I didn't like it so I'd delete it.
Her advise was "Get over it!" Find something that you're doing that others might find of interest, take some photos, write it up, post it and leave it. She said that she wanted to read it by Monday. OK!
So, we've had some cold temperatures the past few days. It's been below zero (Fahrenheit) at night and single digits above during the day. After dinner I start a fire in the woodstove. It helps with the heating bill. But of course my wood supply in the house was getting low, so it was time to restock.
I like how my house has a access door so I can fill up the woodbin from outside. It's sealed when closed so no cold air seeps in and has a alarm deal so if the alarm is set and it's opened the alarm goes off. You can also lock it from the outside and the inside.
In the photo below, you can see the access door next to the furnace chimney under the window.
 This is my woodbin on the inside of the house and there's my woodstove next to it.
I stocked it full, smallest to your right and the biggest on the left.
My outdoor woodpile is getting low also. I'll probably order a cord next month. A cord of seasoned birch delivered runs about $250 and depending on the winter, should last me two seasons.
 I love this stove. It can take logs up to 3 foot long. It's easy to light and operate.
We haven't got a lot of snow this year. We actually had a warm rainy spell for a bit. That's one thing that can put you in a writing funk. Everything is soggy, gray and colorless.
I had plenty of supervision. They want to make sure I do it right so they have a toasty warm house tonight. 
OK, let's see if this gets me jump started. Stay warm!
Click on photos to enlarge


Diane said…
Love your writing, please keep it up. Nice pics of your house too!
Anonymous said…
I love your indoor-outdoor woodpile. That's such a grand idea. Love all the photos and really glad you are back to blogging. I've been in a bit of a blog funk myself. That soggy, gray, colorless funk that you describe, yeah, that's what Arcata is like all winter long. That's why this year we came to the beach house on Monterey Bay for a month!
Dave Dorsey said…
Thanks Diane & Robin. This should get me jump started.
Photo Cache said…
That's a good advice. I should listen to that too.

Worth a Thousand Words
A Bit of the Blarney said…
I think I like the photo of you dogs the best. The are teaching me to relax, enjoy! Until I returned a few days ago I hadn't posted for nearly a year. Sometimes you just need to take a break. Thank you!
Dave Dorsey said…
Thanks Cathy. That's only half of them. I have 4 beagles. I agree with the break.
likeschocolate said…
Having grown up in Alaska, I have never seen a woodbin like that! It really is a fantastic idea! Love your home ! Very beautiful! Didn't you guys get some snow this past week. I really need to get my husband up to Alaska. He has never been!
carol l mckenna said…
Love your doggies so cozy and warm with your heat from a great wood stove and wonderful home ~
Great photos from your world ~

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Fun60 said…
We shouldn't feel under pressure to blog, it is supposed to be something we enjoy. I am sure many of us take a break from posting and feel much better for it. Your home looks lovely and cosy.
Dave Dorsey said…
Kelly, we got snow a week ago, but we've had some high winds here in the Valley and it blew it all away.

Carol, I love my pups also. Thanks for the kind words.

Fun60, I agree. I do enjoy it but I do create my on stress sometimes. Thanks for the kind comments.
Cute pooches - hope u r over the slump
NCSue said…
Sorry to hear you've experienced a funk - I knew I hadn't seen you for a while and am glad it was nothing more serious than a funk. It's nice to see you once again!
Thanks for sharing at
gluten Free A_Z Blog said…
Sometimes I am not happy with a post when I write it, but then I look at it two months later and feel good about it. I think you just have to post and not be too critical. Love your photos today,
Indah Nuria Savitri said…
What a lovely woodbin! And the dog! You are lucky to live in a beautiful place..
Mandy said…
I'm amused with your supervision. :) They look like they are watching you very closely.

Hopefully, you are able to get past your blogger funk soon. I hate when that happens. :-/

With Love,
Dave Dorsey said…
Thanks Carol!

NC Sue, it's good to be back.

Judee, I've gone to some of my previous post to get some inspiration. Thank you!

Indah, I am lucky.

Mandy, I believe I am now funkless. My supervision is amusing. They do keep a close eye on me.
Beth F said…
That wood bin door is brilliant! The pups look cozy.
carol l mckenna said…
Glad to have you visit again from Alaska ~ thanks for your comments! ~ Love the wood bin door and photos ~

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Amanda McCusker said…
I'm so glad you posted! What a beautiful house!
Dave Dorsey said…
Well the woodbin door is a hit and not just with me.

Beth, My beagles are almost always cozy. I wish I could get as cozy as they look.

Carol, I'll be back. I like your blog. Happy Weekend!

Thanks Amanda! I positively think I'll be visiting your blog again also.
Kim S. said…
Great post! Love the woodbin system that's part of your beautiful home. Burning wood is our prime method of heating our small home -- been through about 6 cords so far this fall/winter. Fortunately, we have access to our own wood at my mom's property. Lots of handling and lots of work but it's great heat and, like your pups, our cats love it too. We're always grateful for the restful break provided in the spring/summer. Kim in the NW PA snowbelt