
Spooky Lake

Well it's Eklutna Lake, but it was spooky looking the other morning. The fog was real heavy over the lake. We actually waited a while for it to burn off some so we could get some photos.
I expected the fall colors to be in full bloom, but I think we were about a week early if not more.
I'm old school, so I would picture Vincent Price or the Creature from the Black Lagoon coming across those flats.
It was burning off pretty good and soon you could see the lake and the mountains in the background.
 Cooper was keeping an eye out for stuff. He can be such a good dog and then sometimes........
 Hank had hurt his shoulder the other day. I'm not sure how. I expect it was chasing and barking at whatever was going past our yard. We thought it was better but he started limping on our hike so we had to cut it short.
 This is Macy and Hank posing for me. You can tell they were real excited.
We stopped at Rochelle's. I thought they closed after Labor Day weekend but they were still open. The kid said maybe another week depending on the weather. If your interested, it and 25 acres are for sale. Tina at Polar bear, it has an espresso stand, ice cream stand, laundry, showers and pay for parking businesses.
Joy wasn't being cooperative at all as far as letting her photo be taken. So I had to wait until we got home and she passed out on the couch.
We'll have to go again later in the week to see how the fall colors are coming along.


Alycia~Quiltygirl said…
The fog really added to those first photos - I like them! And your dogs t- they are cute!
Anonymous said…
Love these photos and especially the one when the fog lifts on the lake. So very beautiful. It's been crazy foggy here, so it's always a joy when it lifts and the sun shines on everything. The doggies are so cute.
NCSue said…
Fog lends such drama to a scene, doesn't it?
Thanks for linking up at
Lady Fi said…
Love the foggy shots.
carol l mckenna said…
You captured the 'mist' so well ~ wonderful photos! Especially love your doggies! ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores
Dave Dorsey said…
Alycia - the fog was real thick earlier

Robin - the sun was out in full force later. It got Alaska hot!

NC Sue - always drama when you have fog and beagles :)

Lady Fi - thank you

Carol - thank you! I especially love my doggies too !
The fog does make for especially creepy scene, doesn't it?

Visiting from WW
Beautiful photos non the less.
Thanks for sharing!

- Lisa
Dave Dorsey said…
Ericka - thanks for visiting

Lisa - thank you!