
Someones watching me

Ever get that feeling that something is watching you? I went to Taku Campbell Lake this morning. It must be a Tuesday thing because I was here last week. Anyhow, I was walking along the side of the lake watching the Loon diving and stuff when I got that feeling. I looked up and this is what I saw.


Marvin said…
Just be thankful you're not a small rodent. Great shot of the eagle.
Gouldiae said…
A great shot of a stunning bird. I greatly enjoy your blog about a very different place to mine.
robin andrea said…
That is such a great shot of the eagle, dave. I clicked on the photo and saw the incredible detail you got. Truly a beauty. I've only seen one eagle since I've been in California, and I was so happy!
Meggie said…
Was he taking notes to share with his friends? What a beautiful creature!
Meggie said…
Happy Father's Day, Dave!
Dave Dorsey said…
Meggie - He is handsome. Thanks!