
Dang it, I think fall is here

I know, we've had an awesome summer, so I shouldn't complain. OK, I won't. This past weekend we had a downpour of rain like I haven't seen in a few years. Generally the rain here is more of a nuisance drizzle. The ducks at West Chester Lagoon hung on to a long and it reminded me of a ship wreck.

I got side tracked with a friend today, so we got lunch and went to Potter Marsh. The leaves they are a changing. I hadn't noticed it before today, but then they are just starting. Another week or so and.....

It's supposed to rain, probably drizzle for the next week. That should get things going. Of course that's good for my reflection shots.

Fall is adding color to things. I guess I'll have to enjoy driving around taking some fall shots. I probably should have bought a hybrid, but Lucille is much more fun. I chased after 2 injured geese earlier in the day. In the back I had 2 large kennels, a clam shell tote with my rain gear, blankets and stuff, my photography gear, my work stuff, our leftovers from lunch in their containers and there was still plenty of room. Of course I just paid $3.11 a gallon for regular and the news said the average price outside is $2.64 a gallon.

Notice the dead salmon next to the duck preening? I didn't until I was processing the photo's after I got home.

Anyways, it was an awesome Wednesday afternoon. Fall is here and so are the clouds.


Meggie said…
The leaves here are a fallin' also, Dave! Guess it's the price we pay for living in a four season state, though you sure have a longer winter than we here in PA.
Dave Dorsey said…
Meggie - My dad use to take my mom for long rides through PA during the fall season to see the leaves changing. Lancaster, Hanover and other spots I can't recall. You have a gorgeous state also.