
Wordless Wednesday 12/15/10

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Sandee said…
I biggified the picture to get a real good look. Great shot.

Have a terrific WW. :)
Ellen Whyte said…
I checked out the big version too. Anchorage always sounds amazing. Wild nightlife I hear.

This WW:
Anonymous said…
beautiful perspective! well done.
Beth F said…
nice job -- I suppose you're looking forward to having the days start to lengthen again.
Yoshi said…
Thank you for commenting on my blog.
Did you take this photo during lunch time in December???
I love the atmosphere of the image and thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Nice photo, Dave. What time of the day (evening?) was it taken?
Dave Dorsey said…
This was taken Thanksgiving night about 6PM. It was snowing lightly and in the mid 20's. Winter solstice is around the corner. :)