
It's been frosty lately

We've been getting some pretty cold temps with a lot of frost to go along with it lately. No snow forcasted in the near future. You folks back east that don't wnat it, send it our way.
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Meggie said…
There's around 7 inches on the ground right now with a little more snow predicted for the Steelers game this afternoon. The nice thing is all the roads are clear so getting around isn't a problem.
Anonymous said…
That's a truly beautiful photo, dave.
Dave Dorsey said…
Robin - Thanks. The weather has been making photography easy but the cold makes the outings short. :)

Meggie - you guys are stealing our snow. Obviously the Steelers didn't need it to beat the Ravens. :)
real girl sport said…
That's beautiful! I tried to take similar photos in a park here in December but they didn't come out half as well - very Narnia-like here.