
Wordless Wednesday 04/20/2011


Light and Voices said…
Your header is an amazing piece of work.
Joyce M
Ms. Becky said…
this is so beautiful it almost seems unreal.
Azhita said…
Great picture Dave! Just beautiful

Laura Bloomsbury said…
such a sleek bird. Very nice capture
Beth F said…
Wow -- fabulous capture.
Anonymous said…
What a beauty, dave.
Donnie said…
What a beautiful bird. Enjoyed that.
LucidLotus said…
Wow, stunner. Such crisp lines and sharp points of the beak and the shoots off the branch. Awesome:)
eileeninmd said…
Beautiful capture of the waxwing. They are pretty birds.
cookingvarieties said…
hi dave. Just doing my morning blog walk and landed at your beautiful site. I find so many great things here. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day
would appreciate your visit too.