
Wordless Wednesday 9/7/2011

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Unknown said…
Nice! I love Alaska. I hope I can get to Anchorage one day :) stop by @
Lauren said…
Beautiful! Found your blog from WW hop and I'm glad I did, I spent 3 wonderful summers in Alaska and I can't wait to return someday.
Gramma 2 Many said…
I was up there just last week. Lived in Anchorage for 11 years 30+ years ago. Lots of changes since I left. Still love it.
caite said…
that one lone duck..or whatever birdie it is..on the water, but I am thinking there are a lot more lively things hiding in there
Anonymous said…
Another great image, Dave.
Gattina said…
How strange but beautiful !
eileeninmd said…
Pretty spot, thanks for sharing. Happy WW!