
OK, we're a little slow, but I think spring is finally here.

The gull's are back, so it must be spring. There will be lots and lots of them soon.

Macy says most of the trails are cleared, so there's some serious walking to do. No dogie boots needed!

There's still plenty of snow and ice, but it's melting fast. We were concerned about floods, but it's a gradual thaw, so we should be OK.

Now it's time to get things fixed up, picked up and before long things will be blooming.
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Anonymous said…
Glad to see spring starting there. It must mean that we'll be getting it for real here too!
lotusleaf said…
Good to know that spring has started in Alaska. It is blazing summer here.
eileeninmd said…
Happy Spring, wonderful photos. An d I love your cute Macy!
Unknown said…
Here its still a tug of war between winter and spring!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Powell River Books said…
We've had a long, wet spring here in BC. I can hardly wait until it warms up with lots of sun. - Margy