Spring along Ship Creek

The Ship Creek dam is froze over, but before long it'll be wide open and salmon going upstream.
Well, spring is here and the temps are getting up to the lower 50's during the day. Poor Minnesota got snow. Well, the lower 48 stole our winter, so they can have it.
We still have a lot of piled up snow and ice around, and what tourist I've seen so far are bundled up like Admiral Perry.The Ship Creek dam is froze over, but before long it'll be wide open and salmon going upstream.
And these bolders of ice will be all melted away.
The geese are finding some open water. The gull are back in force and friends are seeing other migratory birds. Spring is early and it's here. YaY!
Black Jack, ours do migrate. We do have some ducks that are staying year round. It gets kind of crowded because not enough open water.