

Macy came to live with me in October 2011. The family she was with was moving and couldn't take her with them. I had been arguing with myself on and off if I should get a dog. I wasn't sure I could spend the quality time with a dog that deserves it. I had stopped at a coffee shop and her photo was on the bulletin board. I called the number and that afternoon she was at my house. It has been one of the best commitments I ever made.
My friend Britt took this photo and called it "Driving Miss Macy". When I could take her along, she went with me. It could be work, off doing photography or long walks on the Coastal Trail in Anchorage.
 Macy loves going to new places and loves meeting people. She is a heart melter. I've never known her to be aggressive towards anything. Now she does like to chase cats, rabbits and squirrels, but that's the beagle in her.
I spent some time in the hospital with heart surgery and of course a lot of time at home recovering. My son and his wife took care of me for a week after I got home. Macy spent time giving me comfort and going on walks with me to help build up my strength.
 We made a big move together. I had lived in the same duplex for 27 years. She spent a few with me. We decided it was time to buy a house and move to the valley. She helped me select the house and then make the big move. She made my new home feel like a home and it was her home too.
 After we were here for almost a year she got sick. We don't know what really happened but her immune system was failing. Now it was my turn to look after her. After some time in the hospital, lots of drugs, blood draws and other test, she starting doing a little better. She came home after she lost about 10 pounds. She wouldn't eat, so I had to force feed her. After a while she started eating on her own, picking up some weight and acting like her old self again. Man I'm glad that is behind us.
 She's always been the loving kind. She shows her affection but also wants her space. She loves to sleep under the covers.
 She's the curious one also. Keeping an eye on what's going on. She has the beagle nose and will spend forever in one spot sniffing. She'll also get distracted by smells.
In the past few years we've added a couple more beagles to the crew. They also go every where's. They especially love camping with the RV. We'll write about the others also here soon.
In the mean time, Macy is queen of the house!


Diane said…
She is a real sweetie!
NCSue said…
Macy looks like a lover!
Thanks for sharing at
thequeentravels said…
Beautiful post. 💚
carol l mckenna said…
Macy is so precious! and such loving and adorable photos ~ Glad you and she are doing well now!

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Anonymous said…
Macy is quite a beauty. I see why she melted your heart. How lucky that you two found each other. I love reading about her. I remember another dog from the early blogging days. Was there another sweetheart before Macy arrived?
Dave Dorsey said…
Lady Fi - Thanks!

Diane - You got that right!

NC Sue - She is!

The Queen - Thank you!

Carol - She is and thank you!

Robin - We are lucky for sure. Aggie was a beagle mix I had at the old house when I was still married. He lived a long life and was quite a character.
DrillerAA said…
Great images. There is a reason that dogs are called man's best friend. They work overtime at being our buddy and they wind up ruling the house. Well, that's the way it is at our place.
Jane said…
Aww, nice post about your dog, thanks for sharing :)
Molly said…
I love this, Driving Miss Macy is perfect

Amanda McCusker said…
She is so precious! The bonds made over time and trials really are the strongest. I can feel the love you have for her and I am glad you both recovered well in time. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face! And great pictures <3
Indah Nuria Savitri said…
Macy looks super cute! I can wait to have my own dog again..
Dave Dorsey said…
DrillerAA09 - you're right, they run thus house.

Jane - you're welcome!

Molly - it's like she posed for it.

Amanda - thanks! She's my sweetie!

Indah- they're good for the soul!

Thank you everyone for the kind words!
Beth F said…
AWWW - she's so sweet. You're lucky to have such a good friend.
Dave Dorsey said…
Beth - Thank you!
Kim S. said…
Macy is so sweet - in addition to your description, I can just see it in her face. So glad you two have each other. And you deserve lots of pats on the back for caring for her during her mysterious illness. So happy she recovered. Kim in PA