Things have seemed to have calmed down some since President Biden has taken office. That's a good thing. I do believe the world could use a valium.
Things here have been good. Ghost and I got two presentations in via Zoom the other day. We're required by US Fish and Wildlife to do 12 presentations a year. That requirement has been relaxed a little with the Covid-19 pandemic going on. Since we can't do any in person, Zoom has become the new normal. Zoom is OK. I just like doing the education presentations in person. There's better interaction with your audience.
Boy Bernie Sanders got to be Mr. Meme, didn't he. It's funny looking at all the different ones. He's taking it pretty well to. I get an extra laugh from all of the folks that aren't getting it.The weather here in South Central Alaska has been unseasonably warm. The temperature has been in the 30's, so the snow is melting off, but that makes for a lot of ice. Stock tip, windshield washer fluid. The roads have been a mess because of the weather. I filled the wood box up last week and I haven't started a fire since.
The Covid-19 shots are here. Those 65+ or have special circumstances can get it. Remember, it's free.
The pups are doing OK. Lilly had to go to the Tier 1 Veterinary Clinic New Years Eve. She was in pain. X-rays shows bad arthritis in her back. She's 8 years old now. She's on medication to help her out.Lucy is doing OK with her chemotherapy. As of this past Thursday, her tumors haven't grown. We go in for another round next Thursday. If you like to help out with her cancer fight, she's accepting PayPal at https://www.paypal.me/BeagleRanch907 . Any and all support is appreciated.
That's it for now. Stay safe.
Great to see you and Ghost. Always love seeing your doggies too.
We're in for a week of rain here. Ugh.
Take care there and stay well.
Robin - We're in for a week of cold temps after two weeks of crazy warm weather.
Ghost is gorgeous and I love all the dogs. The memes with Bernie have been fun, he is a good sport! I am looking forward to spring, the vaccine and being able to travel again. Sending well wishes for the pups! Take care, enjoy your day!
Bet your pups keep you busy and keep you happy, too.
Thanks for joining us this week at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-rest-of-indoor-herb-garden.html
Sometimes, life doesn't work the way we plan, but it's better than the alternative :)
It's so great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!