
Colder than a ___________ (fill in blank)

This is historically the coldest time of year and guess what. It's cold right now. Temps have been dipping down to around -5°f at night and up around +10°f during the day. It's suppose to be like this until around the middle of the week with maybe some snow.

The sun has been out real nice and bright. I guess kind of blinding when you're driving. Friday morning the ice fog was thick. You can tell in the pix with the bench.

Here's hoping your having a good weekend!


Meggie said…
So glad that YOU didn't fill in the blank...would have to censor you! But we all know the least we older folks. We're having a warm spell come thru for the next few days...sure is nice. I'll try to send some warmer temps your way. Interesting how pretty winter photos can be, but staning out in the cold to get them ain't so pretty!
Marvin said…
That definitely qualifies as cold in my book, Dave. I think I could handle it under proper supervision. My wife would go sit on a stove and say evil things to anyone trying to make her get off.
Susie said…
We're having our first bit of sunshine in days. We've had the cold and rain for about two weeks now. (I know our cold is nothing like yours though)
Beautiful photos.
entoto said…
And our inversion is broken! Usually it is warmer up here...not right now!
Dave Dorsey said…
Meggie - Appreciate the attempt to warm us up from back east.

Marvin - We're at -6° at my place right now. I'm about to say evil things. :)

Susie - Thanks! We don't want any rain.

Trixie - which one of us is backwards??? :)