
New Neighbor

Ruth and I usually go to my favorite restaurant for breakfast on Sunday mornings. This morning was only a little different. Our neighbors recently moved and this is what we found taking a nap in their yard this morning. It's name is not Aussie, that's a BBQ grill in the background.

There use to be a wooded area across the street from us. Every winter and every spring we would get three moose that would hang out for about a week or so. One had a numbered collar on from either USF&W or ADF&G. The woods are gone and there's a house on the lot now, but I wonder if this is one of the moose that use to hang around. It looks familiar.

Hope you had a good weekend. Notice the lack of snow?


Susie said…
He looks very tame! Seems strange to see a wild animal resting in a residential area!
Meggie said…
Do you thing it would like to come and live in my woods?
robin andrea said…
You have the coolest neighbors, dave. Nice to see that the snow has gone.
entoto said…
yay! melting!!!
Dave Dorsey said…
Susie - Still a very wild animal. We gave it plenty of room.

Meggie - I saw him later and told him you lived that away (Dave pointed east -southeast)

Robin - it was cool. Very quiet neighbor. It is nice to see brown grass again. :)

Trixie - we're meltinnnnggggg!!!!
Marvin said…
A beautiful shot of no snow and, perhaps, an old neighbor reclaiming territory.