
Tripp's 1st Birthday

Last Thursday was Tripp's 1st Birthday and we all celebrated on Saturday at his house. If you can't tell by the pic's, he had a good time. I never seen a kid smile for so long. I was getting grouchy because I was late for my nap but he wasn't.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I'm going through some big changes and they kind of took priority. I won't get into what's going on because it's personal, but things are getting better everyday.


Meggie said…
Happy Birthday, Tripp! Sorry about the personal problems. I kinda got that idea from Facebook also. Hang in there, Dave!
robin andrea said…
Happy birthday to Tripp. He sure is a cutie, dave. I hope things are working out for you.
RuthieJ said…
He's a cutie Dave. I bet it's nice to have that bright spot in your life when other stuff isn't going just right.
Gouldiae said…
G'day Dave,
Happy birthday to Tripp from Oz. Still thinking of you here downunder.
Dave Dorsey said…
Thanks everyone for the support!