
Wordless Wednesday 3.15.12

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caite said…
wow, knowing how tall moose are, that is deep snow!
Very nice photos.

Regards and best wishes
Four-eyed-missy said…
The snow is beautiful and the moose seems to be enjoying it:)

Inside Cambodia
Beth F said…
Wow, nice capture. They seem to be relaxed.
Jen said…
Moose! These are great photos :)
I hope you don't mind me stopping by - I saw your link on Wordless Wednesday.

I used to live in North Pole and miss the beauty and people of Alaska!

Please come check out our 'hometown' at:
Anonymous said…
The moose are sure plentiful this winter. I love how often you see them!
Dave Dorsey said…
We're just shy of an all time record. The moose have moved into town for easier access to food. Thanks everyone!