
To Moose Pass

Moose Pass is an interesting community that I like to visit a few times each year. It's located only 100 mles south of Anchorage. The speed limit is reduced as you come into town to 35 mph. If they didn't do that, you'd fly by hardly noticing it was there

It's a quiet place surrounded by the still snow covered Chugach Mountains. Alaska Rail Road still goes through it, but it doesn't stop anymore. Trail Lake Lodge is the larget establishment. It was first built in 1948. It now has a motel, bar and resturant. There's guided fishing trips, kayaking and birding tours done from here.

Isn't this the kind of church you picture for a small town. There's a population of about 200. Of everyone I've meet, they are about as nice as you would expect from small towns people. Everyone waves, says hi and offers to help if needed.

If you're looking for a wild time, this isn't the place. If you are looking for some rest, relaxation, fishing, kayaking, birding, good food and conversation, this is the place.

Click here to see more of my photos of Moose Pass.
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Anonymous said…
Looks like a lovely place.
L. Neusiedler said…
I have to say it's a lovely place, too! looks so quiet!
Arija said…
Ah, definitely my kind of place. Fishing, kayaking and birding, yep, and folks who live with nature not against it.
Kim, USA said…
Looks like these place is beautiful!

Kim, MI

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Unknown said…
Looks like a great spot!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Karen said…
Oh, small, quiet and still has snow! Looks like my kind of place!
I would definitely be attracted to the birding excursions and to the sense of peace that flows from your photographs. The church looks similar to the one in the small Quebec village where I grew up. I tried to click to see more of your pictures, but they wouldn't load. Hm.. may be time for a new computer or an overhaul :)
I love small towns. Ours is a bit larger (about 10,000) but people are the same, friendly and always willing to help. When I lived in Los Angeles I didn't even know the people across the street. - Margy