
Visiting Alaska Veterans Memorial again

While on a trip to Denali,  I stopped again to pay my respects. Still plenty of snow, so the walking part was short.

For such a young state, there's lots of military history.

I'll return in summer and we'll cover a lot more for sure.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend and remember what is for.
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Travel-PB said…
I hope spring also comes to your parts soon. Happy WW!
Beth F said…
What a great way to remember ... wishing you a safe holiday.
Andrea said…
I am so awed with the people living in Alaska. Is there any part of the year when the ground is not covered with ice?
Dave Dorsey said…
Spring has arrived. The temperatures have warmed up and the snow is melting away. Most of the snow around Anchorage has melted and the grass is turning green.
Anonymous said…
It's good to be reminded that Memorial Day is more than a three-day weekend that marks the beginning of summer. Thank you for that, Dave.