Inside Fairbanks
I make it to Fairbanks usually a couple times a year on personnel trips and now on business. I went a couple weeks ago and had a little more free time then I thought I would. That works out good for photography and a little sight seeing.

Being a history buff, I love memorials. They tell the history of the place your visiting. The Lend-Lease program flew planes and supplies through Alaska and Siberia to Europe during World War II, and the aircraft stopped in both Fairbanks and Yakutsk.

Being a history buff, I love memorials. They tell the history of the place your visiting. The Lend-Lease program flew planes and supplies through Alaska and Siberia to Europe during World War II, and the aircraft stopped in both Fairbanks and Yakutsk.

The old Northern Lights Hotel is looking for a little love. There's all sorts of stories about paranormal activity and deaths. She was built in 1953, so I bet it has some stories to tell.

Creamer's Field is always a must stop. It was a little late in the season and late afternoon, so birding wasn't good. But hiking the trails you do meet some neat people.

Fountainhead Resort has the biggest pots for their flowers.
The next week I was back home, but it snowed 3 inches in Fairbanks. I doubt the flowers look this good anymore.
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
I will definitely be back.
Stewart, I missed a lot in my younger days when I had more of a chance to see the world then others.
Sallie, post when your getting close to visiting. If you make it to the Anchorage area, maybe we can meet and I'll show you some good photography places.
Thanks for the great picture.