
Who let the bears out

The weather has been great. The hell with yard work, there's photos to be taken. You know the bears have to be active at AWCC.
This black bear just had to stand up and see what was around. We arrived right after their feeding time, so Kuma was probably looking for a place to crash.
This one found its place and was looking around one last time.
It wasn't the brown bears feeding time yet. So what else do you do on a hot 65° day? Wrestle in the pool er ah pond. Joe Boxer and Patron splash some water around.
 I bet this guy is thinking "Silly bears!" This eagle is a wild one just stopping by for a visit.
Thanks to my photography partner for the day, Amanda. We kept the laughs going and still got some good shots in.


Anonymous said…
Great shots- especially love the eagle :-)
Kusum said…
Lovely shots! Alaska is amazing!
Tomoko said…
Great shot! I love that black beer!
Anonymous said…
It's great to see those bears, Dave! It's amazing that you're having 65 degree temps already. Enjoy all that sunshine and warmth!
Black Jack's Carol said…
I've just watched "Bears" (the movie) so this post was especially timely, Dave. Your blog is great fun and the photography spectacular!
Janice said…
Wonder filled shots!
Meg @ write meg! said…
Great shots! I'd love to visit Alaska someday . . . though I probably wouldn't want to be quite so close to the bears. I'm slow. :)
Billy Blue Eyes said…
NOting wrong with haing a parter to take photos with, my wife comes along with me
Beth F said…
Awesome series! I agree, who needs yard work?
BavarianSojourn said…
What an amazing place... I love the bear shots, and the eagle is just majestic! :)
ama41 said…
Great photos! I especially like the bald eagle.
I've never made it to the wildlife center - I'll have to make sure I do next time I'm going through Anchorage. Bears are usually the one animal I hope NOT to see, but this looks like a great way to get up close.
Unknown said…
Funny observations.. Lovely phots, especially the first one. Thanks for linking up to the #SundayTraveler.
Unknown said…
What lovely photos! And wow! What a massive lens. Thanks for linking up to the #SundayTraveler!
Unknown said…
I miss breakup in Alaska. Wow that black bear is tall. Love your shots! (
Ashley said…
Great photos! Thanks for linking up to the #SundayTraveler!
Unknown said…
Wow what amazing photos!!! Incredible!