
Imagine Denali

I've been able to do a lot more traveling around Alaska this summer. Sometimes I also get to do some day dreaming. Can you imagine living in Denali National Park?
How about as a golden eagle

or as a dall sheep

or caribou

or more caribou?
WoW! What a dream.


Diane said…
The pics make it seem like I was there with you
sunshine said…
A wonderful and great nature.
carol l mckenna said…
Wow! What a place and love the animals ~ great shots for OWT ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol ( A Creative Harbor)
Arija said…
Lovely dreams and area. I think I'd like to be a wolf, just to keep the balance.
Fun60 said…
I love that first photo of the swooping eagle.
Black Jack's Carol said…
I hope to see Alaska one day. In the mean time, you tantalize with these wonderful shots. Happy day dreaming and wildlife watching!!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this beautiful view.
Rhonda Albom said…
I was in Denali about a year ago. I couldn't imagine living there in the winter, but the summer was wonderful. Lovely photos here.