We've been staying somewhat busy here at The Beagle Ranch. About 2 weeks ago, Snoopy came to stay. He's a 17 month old beagle that was in training to be a service dog. He didn't do so well and needed to be rehomed because he was distracting his replacement in training. He's the youngest of the crew and is fitting in well.
Lucy has been with us for just a few days. She came to us via Alaska Cat and Dog Rescue. She was in a little rough shape. Her teeth were a mess. One was bleeding and the infection was close to her nasal passages. She had 7 teeth removed by the vet. She had a large mass on her right shoulder that was removed. It's non-cancerous. She has some anxiety issues and a urinary tract infection. She also was skinny for not eating because of her teeth condition.
I'm happy to say she is doing well so far. She is eating well. Her stitches come out next week and today is the first day she didn't have an accident in the house. (I hope I didn't just jinx it).
Today is a rainy day. The snow is melting fast and with the rain its real sloppy outside. The gang is staying inside most of the time. Snoopy and Lucy are enjoying being dried off when they come in.
Snoopy being a pup, enjoys playing with toys. She has found a playmate with Spot. He's the second youngest at 7 1/2. Tug a war, chase, you name it.
I did my first presentation with Ghost the snowy owl for Bird TLC in over a month. What made this one different was it was via Zoom. It was a lot of fun. Here's hoping we can get a lot more during this trying time. This photo was taken by my daughter in Louisiana. My granddaughters were among some of the kids asking questions about snowy owls.
Here are those same granddaughters doing a Facebook live video about Nickelodian Slime face mask. It was hilarious.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I'm just as much ready as you to get things back to normal.

All the best and take care of you and healthy
Greetings Elke
Thanks for sharing at
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
I'm so happy that you joined us over at at 'My Corner of the World' this week!
NCSue - Thanks! You as well.
Robin - Zoom seems to be a good way to stay in touch.
Sandee - they make my house a home
Betty - the pups are fun. I hope all is well in New Zealand
Have a great weekend, Dave!
Powell River - Zoom is popular and fairly easy.
Thanks for stopping by.