
1 year under my belt

Well it's been a year and what a year it has been. I've traveled around Anchorage a lot and I've learned a lot about my hometown because of it. I hope you have enjoyed your visits. I have enjoyed bringing it to you!



Clare said…
Congrats Dave, of course this belies the fact that you've been blogging elsewhere for much longer.

Here's to many more years!
Meggie said…
Congrats, Dave, on one year of blogging! I've certainly enjoyed traveling around Anchorage and not having to pay for the airfare.
entoto said…
I have enjoyed every post. Thanks for the great work.
RuthieJ said…
Happy Blog Birthday Dave. I've enjoyed seeing the signts around Anchorage with you (especially the moose!)
robin andrea said…
It's been a good year, dave. You've definitely given me a grand tour of your hometown.
Duncan said…
Always enjoy your posts Dave, you're one of the nicest blokes in the blogosphere.