More from Yakutat
The welcome sign was made by the welding shop at Yakutat School. A beautiful school where the student to teacher ratio is 9-1.
Yakutat has a huge history of timber, trapping and fishing. The Yakutat and Southern Railroad at one time was the greatest single economic boost to the Yakutat economy. It carried salmon as freight and the passengers rode for free.
On our drive out that morning, we saw a large number of bald eagles just soaring in the thermals. We pulled over and were just amazed at the sight. I lost count at 12 when I stopped. I didn't know if I was counting the same ones anymore because they all were just gliding around having a good time. We were too close to get a shot of them all. I almost fell over backwards watching them.
Appropriately named, this wooden bridge crossed a dangerous river. There were ice chunks floating down from the glacier.
A one lane bridge that dead ended on the other side. If someone was crossing, you waited until they finished before you did. There wasn't any heavy traffic except for the swallows.
I haven't finished processing and posting all my photographs from this trip yet. This is our second visit into Russell Fiords.
The moss covered trees are just an awesome sight. A haven for mosquitos and black flies, so you kept moving to prevent becoming dinner. Also, be sure to have bear spray. We didn't see any here, but there was plenty of signs of them.

Chunks of ice floating in the lake from Yakutat Glacier, some making their way to the mouth of the Dangerous River in the upper left.
For the best coffee and scones, fat Grandma's is the place to go. I had one of the best vanilla latte's every. You'll also run into some of the nicest people around. I wasn't reimbursed for this endorsement, but I'd gladly take another vanilla latte. They have other food on the menu, but we didn't have enough time to check it out. They're closed Sunday & Monday's.
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