
Winter is definitely here

Yes, winter is definitely here. We've got a little snow and the temperature has been in the single digits at night.. 
We had some high winds the last couple of days. That's not unusual for where I live. The weather people said there would be gust up to 30 mph and there were many recorded between 60 and 80 mph. That blew the snow away (or thinned it out) and I don't think there's a dead branch within 100 miles still on a tree. No damage from the high winds, but lots of stuff blown around.
 While the wind storm kept up for about a day, the pups got a bath and crashed on the couch for the rest of the day.
Thanksgiving is Thursday. I'll be spending it with my son and his family.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Unknown said…
Hi Dave, pretty pictures, beautiful calendar photos look alike. Really wonderful and beautiful pictures #southerndaydreameroutdoorwednesday and #ourworldtuesday I just started blogging 3 weeks ago and wrote a post on my winter day trip to Mt. Rigi, Switzerland if you get a chance please read it and let me know your feedback in comments section Thanks, Manisha Have a great Thanksgiving with your family !!
Billy Blue Eyes said…
Wow snow, living on the other side of the pond we don't see that much
gluten Free A_Z Blog said…
It really looks cold. Our weather in the Philadelphia area is cool but much milder- we have temps in the 40's and won't see snow I hope for quite a while. Happy Thanksgiving
Beth F said…
We had a touch of snow but not like you. Glad the pups are well.
They say tomorrow will be sunny and in the 70’s here in Texas. It should be beautiful!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Wendy Kaye said…
Greetings from balmy Florida. Lovely snowy photo. Do you have high winds there very often? Love those pups! Precious. Have a great Thanksgiving!
NCSue said…
Snow already! Yikes - it seems too soon!
Thanks for linking up at
Indah Nuria Savitri said…
Look at all those snow! Happy thanksgiving and stay warm..
likeschocolate said…
Making me miss home though I don't miss the cold. I remember how magical it all seemed with the trees and mountains draped in white. Was there last year for the iditord and there was no snow. I couldn't believe how pathetic the ice sculptures looked.
Lady Fi said…
So pretty with snow!
Anonymous said…
It does sound like the start of winter there. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are settling in for the cold days ahead.