I do. I can count on one hand how many times I've flown on a foreign made aircraft. I remember the first time, I was totaly uncomfortable, I didn't sleep. Now a days you can pick what flight and when and where it goes on the internet. I always look to see what model aircraft is scheduled. I always fly Boeing.
I've flown around the world in Lockheed, McDonald Douglas and Boeing made aircraft. I never felt uncomfortable. Even the first time I flew. I've flown with foreign crews, but on American aircraft. I never slept, but I was comfortable with the aircraft. Now a days I prefer to fly Alaska Airlines which has an all American fleet made by Boeing. I sleep very comfortably on Alaska Airlines.
I can't imagine being a young airman or soldier and getting on an aircraft designed in Europe. I don't believe I would have made a career in the Air Force if that was so in my time.
I belive yesterdays decision by the Air Force to award the contract of the KC40 to Northrop Grumman and Aerobus is a big, big mistake. Keep the jobs and the cash at home. Our economy is having enough issues without send ingthe airframe manufacturing over seas. Keep our airmen and soldiers safe and keep them in American made Aircraft.
Let’s start with economic reasons.
• The initial program is valued at around $35 billion but could grow to $100 billion if the Air Force places additional orders.
• The contract would have supported 44,000 new and existing jobs at the company and suppliers in 40 states
• On cost, Boeing cited the $35 billion mentioned in last Friday's announcement as the full price of the 179 tankers (not counting operational support and maintenance costs) as evidence that Boeing was cheaper. It about life cycle cost and the 767 burns less fuel than A330.
• The European Union provides illegal subsidies to Airbus.
Now let’s due operational history
• There’s no more credible expert than the Boeing Co. with respect to the necessary maintenance of aircraft.
• Boeing is a single company. It uses common operating systems. They’ve been building tankers for 60 years. And they know how to work together (Boeing Commercial) and IDS.
• Look at the competition. Two companies that will be working together for the first time on a tanker, different systems, different languages, different cultures, across an ocean.
• For every 6 Boeing aircraft flying there is only 1 Airbus aircraft flying.
Should I continue?
I believe I yelled something obscene at my TV during that news report!