
One lump or two?

The tide is going out. Here's where Ship Creek flows into Cook Inlet. These large chunks of ice get left behind until the tide comes back in. The rest of them flow down Cook Inlet into the Gulf of Alaska. Even though the temperatures have been down in the 30°'s, the ice has been melting some and of course it breaks up with the tide coming in and out.


Boobook said…
Cook Inlet as in Captain James?
Dave Dorsey said…
Boobook - That's right. He discovered Knik Arm and Turnagain Arm looking for the Northwest Passage.
Meggie said…
While I don't know much about tides and ice chunks being left behind, I see lots of huge piles of yucky snow in PA parking lots. Does that count? The piles are very dirty and will takes much warmer temps to melt all of it. A weird phenomenon for sure. Thanks for the history lesson, Dave. How's Trip?
Dave Dorsey said…
Meggie - we got the yucky snow also. Tripp is doing GREAT!