
Wordless Wednesday 2/2/2011

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Unknown said…
I loved anchorage when I visited way back in November of 1985! Thanks for sharing it with all of us Lower 48ers! Happy WW.
DrillerAA said…
I just doesn't get any better than a bald eagle in flight. Some of them winter here in Arkansas, about 15 miles from the house.
Britt said…
I love the lighting in this image!
real girl sport said…
I always love your eagle photos, you're so lucky to live somewhere you can see them so often!
Beth F said…
Wordless! The captured moment and the lighting are terrific.
Dutch Hollow said…
I saw my first one a few years ago. A family of them were fishing on one of the finger lakes.
Anonymous said…
A beautiful shot, and that light is just amazing!
Unknown said…
BALD EAGLES are one of my favorites!
Thank you for sharing
Meggie said…
Gorgeous shot, Dave! Go Steelers!