
Beauty among the ugly

Our state has a lot to offer, but there are some things that are not easy on the eyes. Both the State of Alaska and the City of Anchorage have spent mega bucks on hiking trails all over.

The Ship Creek area is mainly owned by the Alaska Railroad, ARR, which is owned by the State of Alaska. It has been an industrial area since day one. But it is also very, very close to the center of tourism.

So it has been about time they started cleaning it up and they have been doing a heck of a job. There's still a lot to do, but they have accomplished a lot. The Ship Creek Trail is done and it's a beautiful trail too.

Unfortunately it's lined with old warehouses and junkyards. I know, these type of businesses are necessary. ARR is doing a lot to get these places fixed up, cleaned up and more appealing to the eye. They have their work cut out ahead of them, but I give them a A+ for what they have got done so far.
