Spring, finally!
At home the yard has been raked, all the dog poop is gone, some grass is starting to turn green, it's gotta be the real spring. I still have to wait a little on the garden, but it's all
There's even more activity going on around town. I've seen neighbors that I know I haven't seen since last fall and the hot dog carts are out downtown.
I didn't make it to Hawk Watch this year, but from the reports I've heard it must have been something. I've heard of lots of Golden Eagles, Rough-legged Hawks, Northern Hawk Owls,
....and the sunsets. We weren't the only ones watching them.
Maybe next year.
I haven't gotten the shorts out yet, but I went to Fred's in flip flops.
Robin - I got warm wishes goig your way but I'm keeping some for myself just in case. :)
Trixie - I'll do flops this weekend. I don't need to scare the neighbors too much all at once. :) I hope your clan is all better.
We will, of course, expect photos of your first 2008 foray into shorts and flip-flops.
Marvin - You want me to run everyone off???