
Finding Saturday

Saturday was suppose to be another cloudy day. But as the sun rose I figured out that Jackie at Channel 2 Weather had made a mistake. So I got some of my chores and errands done and I started to get that itch. Ruth was at work and everyone else was busy doing whatever, but I still needed to go do something.

So first stop was Potter Marsh to see if there was still life there. The water is starting to freeze over, but there was still 3 Trumpeter Swans there taking in the sun. Sorry there's no picture. They didn't turn out well. They were just making an easy day of it before they migrated, I guess.

I'm not exactly sure what Alaska Railroad was doing. It seems this train went back and forth every few minutes. I need to go on another ride with them next summer.

From there I went to Lake Hood. Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. There's over 700 planes kept there, almost all of them are single engine and privately, or small company owned. Right now I think they are getting most of them ready for winter

From there I went to the big planes at Ted Stevens International Airport. It is a major cargo hub and, as of 2005, ranks as the world's third-busiest airport by cargo traffic, after Memphis and Hong Kong.

Remember Southern Air, Ron Regan and the Contra's? SA is still around and has bigger planes now. You'll find carries from all around the world. UPS, FedEx, Northern Air Cargo, JAL, China. Just name it and they probably go through Anchorage to places in the west.

I've decided to make it easy on those of you who are looking for that special Christmas present for Dave. Look no more. It's at Lake Hood.

Check out the album link for more and as always
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Meggie said…
Hey Dave: Aren't those spontaneous trips the best? No sense letting a good day go to waste. Love the slide show. I'm always amazed by the number of private planes and pilots in Alaska. Are you expecting a BIG PRESENT from Santa this year?
Dave Dorsey said…
They are the best Meggie. It was a beautiful day and I wasn't spending all at home doing chores. The only present I want is good health and happiness for me, my friends and family.